Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer is famous for standing out. That’s why all of the other reindeer used to laugh and call him names before he saved the day one foggy Christmas Eve. His shiny red nose is usually easy to spot, but it may take you a minute or two to find it in the brainteaser below.
ttttttttttttttttIn this holiday-themed hidden-image puzzle from instantprint, Rudolph and his distinctive snout blend into a sea of brown-nosed reindeer. Designers working for the UK-based online printer made Rudolph nearly identical to his generic-looking peers. The only thing setting him apart is the round, red nose on his face. The fact that it matches the color of the background and red Santa hats in the illustration makes it even harder to identify. See how long it takes you to find him after eliminating the Dashers, Dancers, and Prancers in the image.

When the stress of holiday decorating and gift shopping becomes too much, a festive brainteaser can be a quick way to give your brain a refresh. This puzzle challenges you to find the Christmas tree hidden in the flowers and holly, and this one asks you to find the frying pan in the holiday mess. (Though if you’re already overwhelmed by the season, that last one may hit too close to home.) Take a break from your end-of-the-year to-do list and see how long it take you to spot the hidden objects.

If you’re still struggling to find Rudolph in the image above, you can view the solution to the puzzle at the bottom of the article. Here’s hoping Rudolph and his nose are more visible come this Christmas Eve.
ttttttttttttttttThis article was originally published on as Spot Rudolph Among All of the Other Reindeer in This Holiday Brainteaser.