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Welcome to Kennections, a weekly quiz created by Jeopardy! champion/co-host Ken Jennings. Here's how to play: All five answers to the questions below have something in common. Can you figure it out? (Note: We've given you a hint by showing you how many letters are contained within the answer, but this quiz is not interactive.)

1. What does the letter ‘D’ stand for in academic degrees such as JD and DVM?
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2. What poem, an ode to nature by Joyce Kilmer, says that “only God can make” one of the title organisms?
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3. In a 2021 movie, Ryan Reynolds played what title character, a bank teller in a Soonami Studios video game?
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4. What 2017 TV series starred Jessica Lange and Susan Sarandon as real-life Hollywood rivals Joan Crawford and Bette Davis?
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5. The great aviator Roland Garros was born on what French-controlled island in the Indian Ocean near Mauritius?
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ANSWERS ----->