New leaks have appeared around Pokemon Scarlet and Violet’s PokeDex, including new evolutions and regional forms for some classic Pokemon.

Credible Twitter leak account CentroLEAKS (@CentroLeaks) published a tweet detailing some of the new information about the game’s regional species on Tuesday, July 26. In it, they explained a few unique things trainers may notice about returning Pokemon, including the franchise’s first ever triple form reveal with Tauros.
Here’s what you need to know about the new Pokemon in Scarlet and Violet.
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet New Regional Forms and Evolutions
Wooper and Tauros will be getting brand new regional forms. Wooper’s new regional form will become a brand new evolution while Tauros’ forms are split into three. One of these will be a fighting-type. The other two will be dual-typed, but the exact classification is unconfirmed. These are not evolutions but rather different types of Tauros that can be found throughout the region.
Primeape, Girafarig, Dunsparce, and Bisharp will be receiving new evolutions. These forms have not been revealed yet.
Additionally, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet will be introducing a new mechanic called “Paradox Pokemon” in which Pokemon will be warped from the past for Scarlet and the future for Violet. Details surrounding this mechanic have not been confirmed.
Scarlet’s Past Pokemon include:
- Jigglypuff
- Amoongus
- Volcarona
- Salamence
- Misdreavous
- Unnamed Generation II Species
Violet’s Pokemon are:
- Delibird
- Gallade
- Volcarona
- Tyranitar
- Hariyama
- Unnamed Generation II Species
So far only two Convergent Pokemon — essentially visual dupes of existing species with different types, traits, and PokeDex numbers — have been discovered: a water-type Diglett and a still unnamed water-type from Generation I.
More information about Pokemon Scarlet and Violet can be found on our website.
This article was originally published on dbltap as Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Leaks: New Evolutions, Regionals, Paradox.