Getting Starcraft Remastered for free is fairly easy. As long as you are an Amazon Prime member. Amazon Prime members can earn rewards in a plethora of games including World of Warcraft,Dead by Daylight, or the world's most popular MOBA.

Blizzard describes the classic series, Command the mechanized Terrans, psi-powered Protoss and insectoid Zerg as they vie for map control of eight unique environments in this upgraded sci-fi strategy experience that pioneered the world of esports.
How to Get Starcraft Remastered for Free
If you're a Prime member, you'll need to link your account with Prime Gaming. Once you do so, you'll be prompted with a link to download the game. It will take you to and you can download the game for free. This isn't the only game you can play for free.
- Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders
- Beasts of Maravilla Island
- Recompile
- ScourgeBringer
- Family Mysteries: Poisonous Promises
Others games may have their own download process.
This article was originally published on dbltap as Starcraft Remastered: How to Get for Free.