Little Miss and Mr Men memes have taken over the internet in the past few weeks. The caricature-like drawings from British author and illustrator Roger Hargreaves are decades old but have been revived for the twenty-first century. Think: Little Miss Doing The Most, Mr. Struggling Freelance Artist, or Little Miss Trauma Dumps on Close Friends Story.

So, of course, viral TikTok quizzes are emerging.
Personality quizzes called Which Little Miss Do I Think You Are? by user vickova and what little miss character are you? by imm6y have made the rounds on TikTok, both hosted by online quiz platform uQuiz. People have been sharing their results, often using the hashtag #littlemissquiz. Users have also been tweeting screenshots of the quizzes.
We all love our little misses. Answer these random questions and I'll tell you which 'Little Miss' I think you align with most, vickova's description on the quiz reads. Common answers appear to include Little Miss Substance Abuse, Little Miss Self Sabotage, and Little Miss Mentally Ill.
SEE ALSO: BetterMe's 'Childhood Trauma Test' is all over TikTok. Here's why you shouldn't take it.Questionable results aside, these quizzes should be flagged for a more pressing reason: uQuiz is collecting a lot of the data provided. Under the platform's privacy policy, the site states that personally-identifiable information is collected, [depending] on the function(s) that are being performed.
If you take a quiz on the site, including the Little Miss quizzes, any information provided is collected and stored on behalf of the quiz creator.
The vast majority of the quizzes on our website are created by users of our quiz maker. By taking a quiz on our website you acknowledge and agree that any information, including personally-identifiable information is collected and stored on behalf of the quiz creator and is made available to the quiz creator through their account, in real-time and in downloadable form. Quiz responses remain anonymous unless you voluntarily provide personally identifiable information.
Essentially, this all depends on much personal information you choose to provide. All responses given by a user will be passed along to the quiz creator. This can include the name stated at the beginning of the quiz, the answers, the time taken to answer each question, and the final result given.
uQuiz does say that you can request deletion of your personally identifiable data, which may be worth looking into. To do so, a user would have to contact the site directly via an online form.
You can always choose not to provide information to us, but this may mean that you are unable to access any or all features offered on our website, reads uQuiz's privacy policy. We try, wherever reasonably possible, to keep the amount and types of information collected to only what is required to perform the services provided by our website.
The choice is up to every Mr. and Little Miss Quiz Taker. This goes for a lot of viral online quizzes out there. Just recently, a viral TikTok quiz, BetterMe's Childhood Trauma Test was noted by Mashable for collecting a huge amount of personal data.