Fixing Dead by Daylight Error Code 8001 first involves finding the source of the problem. Most error codes are network problems, meaning there isn't much to do. Others are based on corrupted files, or a recent bug in a new update. Those can be problematic and involve you downloading the game again or a new patch again.

When the error code appears it states, Cannot connect to online services. Please try again later.
ttttttttttttttttHow to Fix Dead by Daylight Error Code 8001

As with any connection error code, you should try these methods first.
Can you connect to other networks specifically in other multiplayer games. If you're on the Xbox, you can also clear your cache storage which may fix the issue. The last is to check the actual server status for Dead by Daylight. Sometimes the game is in maintenance mode for a short time especially when uploading a new patch.
If you're internet connection is stable and other game appear to be working normally, then move on to clearing the cache. If that doesn't work, you can try a hard restart on the console or PC. If that doesn't work, your last desperate fix is to uninstall the game and reinstall it.
This article was originally published on dbltap as How to Fix Dead by Daylight Error Code 8001.